PMD Mystery Guild
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-05-24
Location : Indiana, US

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5/24/2024, 07:18
Figured since I'm the one that actually made the place I'd go on ahead and post an introduction.

I'm RoseChatot, I got the new mystery dungeon games for the DS last year and they were great. I really really like Chatot, I guess. He's kind of an annoying a**hole but that's why I love him lol.

I mostly just made this for my friend flygapras. Dunno if i'll be around much Razz

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Posts : 6
Join date : 2024-05-24
Location : winnipeg

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5/24/2024, 07:21
I wanted to make the first post awww

Hi my name is flygapras im from canada and i love these games a lot. I got mystery dungeon explorers of time last year and I loved it alot especially grovyle hes such a badass and I love these games and I hope they make an anime of it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favourite games hmmm well i love super smash bros brawl because you can play as a lucario and a pikachu in it and oh i also love pokemon battle revolution and pokemon platinum and did i mention i have a gameboy colour with pokemon Gold on it yeah i love that game!!!!! i love any games really ok peace out Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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